Interesting Facts About English - English Mania

Interesting Facts About English

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May 21, 2014
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What do we mean by Passion?
May 31, 2014
  1. The word “uncopyrightable” is the longest English word in normal use that contains no letter more than once.

  2. A sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet is called a “pangram”.

  3. The following sentence contains all 26 letters of the alphabet: “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” This sentence is often used to test typewriters or keyboards.

  4. The only word in English that ends with the letters “-mt” is “dreamt” (which is a variant spelling of “dreamed”) – as well of course as “undreamt.

  5. The dot over the letter “i” and the letter “j” is called a “superscript dot”.

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