common english phrases and sentences bring English Mania
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common english phrases and sentences bring

common english phrases and sentences bring

Common English Phrases and Sentences “Bring”

common english phrases and sentences bring

Bring about (Cause to happen):-

How far does war bring about social change?

Interest-rate cuts have failed to bring about economic recovery.

His dishonesty brought about his ruin.

How can we bring about a change in behavior?

This old Television will bring about $100.

Bring in:

His books bring in (Yield) but a small change.

And here I’d like to bring in (Introduce) Mr. Kailas to hear his comments.

They will bring in (to introduce a new law or system) an economic bill.

She said the government would bring in (to introduce a new law or system) the necessary legislation to deal with the problem.

Bring out :-

The publisher is bringing out (Publish/Produce a new product) a revised edition of this book.

The next year they brought out a low-priced car to compete with Ford.

She is bringing out an eagerly awaited solo album next month.

The wine really brings out (make someone or something show a quality that they have) the spicy flavor of the meat.

Bring up:

She brought up (to look after a child until he or she becomes an adult) three sons on her own.

He was brought up by his grandmother.

He was born and brought up (used for saying where or how someone lived when they were a child) in India.

Can you bring up (to bring) the list of candidates again?

We need to bring up more troops.

The matter was brought up (raise for discussion) in the council.

The Neheru children were well brought up. (Rear, Educate)

Many women still take career breaks to bring up children.

He has very definite ideas on how to bring up children.

He had old-fashioned ideas on how to bring up children.

Trying to bring up a small son on your own is not an easy task.

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